Anička Muziková is a Czech athlete who has not been stopped in her quest for her dream even by the fact that she is confined to a wheelchair. Despite this handicap, Anička manages to represent the Czech Republic and already has several medals from international events in her collection. In order to be able to devote herself to the sport to the maximum, our MISURA massage gun helps her with regeneration and preparation for competitions and trainings.
1. How did you first get into athletics and what appealed to you most about the sport?
I got into athletics after starting school at the Jedlička Institute. I was attracted to athletics because of its versatility and the fact that athletics is very similar for both “able-bodied” and disabled people.
2. Why did you choose athletics?
I was offered to come and watch athletics training by a teacher at JUŠ who is also a coach of athletics for people with disabilities. And the very first training and the people there impressed me so much that it was clear that I needed to try this opportunity to play sports with disabilities with the help of the necessary assistants at least some time.
3. What discipline do you specialise in and why did you choose it?
I specifically do a discipline that is not in athletics for the “able-bodied” – it’s bowling. This discipline is actually just for my health class, which I am classified in athletics according to my disability. It is a long-distance bowling throw.

4. Can you share some of your greatest achievements or experiences?
My greatest experience is remembering and participating in the World Championships in London in 2017. I count among valuable and very important experiences every participation and opportunity to participate in international competitions, which for your idea are for example Grand Prix series competitions, international meetings, European and World Championships. Unfortunately, all this is very costly and in my case even more so with the need for an assistant. For example, my medal success was a bronze medal in 2018 at the European Championships in Berlin, a silver medal in 2021 and 10th place this year at the World Championships in Paris.

5. What is your training regime and preparation for competitions?
I train regularly, because I attend regular training sessions of the club I represent. I also train in my free time and have assistants or friends to help me.

6. What do you do in your spare time outside of sport?
I like the topic of personal development, I attend the necessary physiotherapy sessions, I work on my PC, I enjoy spending time with my friends and I am a big hockey fan.
7. How does it make you feel to see that your achievements in athletics can inspire others?
I am very happy when I see that my activities and experiences can also inspire and help other people.
8. What is your advice for young people in a similar situation who would also like to pursue athletics or another sport?
If I were those people, I would definitely give any sport a try. After all, sport is not just about exercise and athletic achievement, but also about socialising into society.
9. What are your long-term goals and plans for athletics?
My big plan and dream is to participate in the Paralympic Games. The next ones will be next year in Paris and in another four years there is a possibility to qualify for Los Angeles in the USA.
10. What is your opinion on inclusion and equal opportunities for disabled athletes in sport?
In that sense, I am definitely a supporter of inclusion. It would definitely be great if there were equal opportunities for everyone and even disabled athletes could pursue their dreams.
11. Why did you choose the MISURA massage gun?
Because the MISURA massage gun is small, compact, lightweight and easy to travel with. Moreover, it is the only one I have found so far that has a heating function in addition to the massage function, which I use very often during recovery.

MB3 massage gun
Massage gun MB3, 14.5 x 9 x 4.5 cm, Operating time 3-4 hours, Li-ion battery 2000mAh, Package includes Massage device, 4x massage head, Instructions, Adapter
67.0 €
12. How does the MISURA massage gun help you in your everyday life?
It helps me to relax, to recover after a workout, but also for necessary stretching.
If you would like to support Anika on her way to the Paralympic Games, you can do so as part of the Znesnáze21 public collection.

MB1Pro massage gun-SILVER
Massage gun MB1Pro, 25 x 7.5 x 22 cm, Operating time 8 hours, Battery Li-ion 2500mA, Package includes Massage device, 6x massage head, Power adapter,…
167.0 €

MB4 massage gun -GREEN
Massage gun MB4, 14.5 x 9 x 4.5 cm, Operating time 3-4 hours, Li-ion battery 2000mAh, Package includes Massage device, 4x massage head, Instructions
67.0 €