The MISURA MB4 massage gun is a smaller, elegant handheld massage device, enhanced with a power bank function. The MB4 is a tasteful and practical tool that can be packed in your handbag, travel bag or gym bag. It will be appreciated by people working in the office and sportsmen. Users should find it particularly helpful in eliminating pain, jump-starting and warming up the body before exercise, speeding up recovery after exercise, but also reducing muscle pain caused by lactic acid.
MB4 stands out for its elegance and durability
Unlike the more affordable MB3 variant, the MB4 comes in a highly durable, luxurious all-aluminum design. This makes it the ideal gift to flash to even the most discerning of loved ones. The MB4 is a great helper for back, shoulder and neck pain symptoms. They can also reduce pain in the body, break down lactic acid in the body and improve blood flow. They are gaining popularity with athletes who find it helps them with their pre-exercise recovery and then post-exercise recovery.
Performance of the MB4 massage gun

Massage gun MB4
Massage gun MB4, 14.5 x 9 x 4.5 cm, Operating time 3-4 hours, Li-ion battery 2000mAh, Package includes Massage device, 4x massage head, Instructions
67.0 €
The MB4 Massage Gun is a lightweight massage device that uses pulsating vibrations to contribute to total body performance. It hits muscle groups up to a depth of 6mm with its pressure pulses. The massage achieves relaxed muscles and eliminates pain. It is a small device that has a power of up to 2800 revolutions per minute. The package also includes four heads that can be used on different parts of the body: a spherical, spiral, flat and forked head.
Shape, dimensions, weight, battery, noise level
The MISURA MB4 handle is non-slip and ergonomic. It is ergonomic and easy to grip and use. When designing the massage gun, we at MISURA have taken into account that everything should be simple, efficient and safe for the user when handling the massage gun.
The MB4 massage gun can be purchased in either gold or green-blue combination. It measures 14.5 cm and weighs less than half a kilo, making it easily portable and therefore very popular with users.
The MB4 is equipped with a 2000 mAh li-ion battery. The gun’s battery lasts up to 4 hours and also 4 hours must be left on the charger.
Its most unique feature? Like the MB3, it has a USB-C or DV 5V/1A output built into the bottom for charging. This massage gun also doubles as a portable power bank. In this case, you can kill two birds with one stone. You can carry the massage gun with you for the purpose of massaging, but also in case of a dead mobile phone.

Like the MB1 Pro, the MB4 has a Smart Shutdown mode that automatically shuts off after 10 minutes of continuous use. This is for health reasons, not to cause damage to muscles or bones due to massage on one part of the body, but also to maintain the maximum life of the product. Its user can choose from four speed settings to determine the intensity of the massage. It is also equipped with an intelligent vibration pressure sensing mode. The massage gun is thus developed according to the needs of its user.
Another advantage is that the MB4 regulates the noise to a maximum of 35 decibels, which to give you an idea can sound strongly like a ticking clock. The quiet mode of the massage gun can be indebted to the high-end brushless motor, which is equipped with a new technology for noise reduction. This is a great advantage for its user, as he or she will not be disturbed by the loud vibration of the gun while massaging.
Who is the MB4 massage gun type designed for?
Its variable settings make it suitable for different ages and groups. Active athletes will especially love it, but also people who will use it for home use as needed. Since it mainly addresses back, neck and cervical spine pain, it will also please people with sedentary jobs who often suffer from this back ailment.
How to get a proper back massage?
People nowadays complain especially about back pain. There are many reasons why this is so. Whether it is stress, fatigue, lack of physical activity or a sedentary job, the cause can also be hidden in a health problem. Incorporating physical activity into your lifestyle, quality sleep on the right mattress, as well as a proper massage can solve the pain problem.
Proper massage is all about bringing relaxation to the body, improving circulation and reducing fatigue. Alternatively, massage devices can also bring about the same effects. The MISURA massage gun can eliminate or at least eliminate the problem. They reach deep into the muscle tissue with their high-frequency vibrations, thus relaxing stiff muscles. This massage will also solve the pain of a stiff neck after a sleepless night.
Since it is a very lightweight device, it is suitable for people who are on the go or commuting to the gym. With sports also comes many pitfalls. What athlete wouldn’t crave for faster recovery so that they can get on with another workout the very next day? This particular device can kick-start the body before training and help it after exercise through massage

Massage gun MB4
Massage gun MB4, 14.5 x 9 x 4.5 cm, Operating time 3-4 hours, Li-ion battery 2000mAh, Package includes Massage device, 4x massage head, Instructions
67.0 €
Benefits of MISURA massage guns
MISURA massage guns are handheld massagers that use pressure pulses to reach deep into the muscle tissue. These pulses eliminate muscle knots, improve blood circulation and relax muscles. The massager has several attachments that can be used on different parts of the body. MISURA offers several models of massage guns. The powerful MB1 Pro model is very quiet despite its high speed, and it also has the advantage that your hands do not shake during the massage, causing tremors in your arm. The smaller MB3 and MB4 variants also function as power banks.

MB1Pro massage gun
Massage gun MB1Pro, 25 x 7.5 x 22 cm, Operating time 8 hours, Battery Li-ion 2500mA, Package includes Massage device, 6x massage head, Power adapter,…
167.0 €
How to use the MISURA MB4 before sporting activities?
Before any sporting or more demanding physical activity, the body needs to be sufficiently warmed up and prepared for the physical activity. Stretching, stretching the muscles and warming up helps with this. But athletes should also include a pre-exercise massage in their schedule, which should be quick. It should not be intense, as more intensity helps to relax the tissues, and this is not advisable before exercise
With the right tactile cues, the athlete should feel arousal. Of course, time also plays an important role here, which is why proper stretching and warm-up are forgotten. And for the massage, we need a second person to perform the right strokes to get us excited. So how can we get the body sufficiently warmed up and ready for performance without having to spend time warming up or looking for a masseur?
MISURA massage guns are the answer. Because thanks to the massage device we prepare the body sufficiently for the performance and get the blood flowing in the body, the athlete can do without stretching and use the massage gun instead. Massage before exercise is suitable because it reaches deep into the muscle tissue with its pressure pulses, thus warming up and getting the blood flowing. In addition, you can use the massage gun again after the physical activity to speed up muscle recovery.
Sports massage – what is it for and how to perform it correctly?
Sports massage is based on classical massage, but it also has its own peculiarities. In this massage, attention is paid preferentially to the muscles that are used in sports performance. The massage helps to increase muscle activity and warm up the body. It also helps with muscle recovery, blood circulation, lymphatic system and removes stiffness and pain. It is popular with both amateur and elite athletes who want to perform at a high level
It prepares the athlete for sports performance both physically and mentally. Sports massage is recommended before and after performance. Because some athletes are preoccupied with exercising, they often underestimate recovery, and rush to the next workout. This leads to the body being fatigued and muscle soreness sets in. How about trying out a quality MISURA massage gun?
These are suitable for massaging before and after exercise. They will help with warming up, and thus save you time stretching. Plus, you can also use them after your workout, when they will help you speed up your recovery, so you can then get fit again without waiting. Plus, the massage guns have up to six spare heads that can be used on different parts of the body. So you can massage your stressed muscles as well as your feet or hands.