How do quality massage guns help not only athletes?

Massage guns have become very popular especially among athletes. Thanks to their capabilities, they are a useful helper. They can help with regeneration, breaking down lactic acid in the muscles, as well as with possible pain and stiffness of the muscles. The athletes will speed up their warm-up and regeneration thanks to the massage, saving them time in today’s hectic times.

However, massage guns are quickly making their way from the environment of top athletes to ordinary people who like to use them after a day’s stress, but also at work to relieve overworked necks and shoulders. Massage guns were also popular with people during the covid, when wellness services were closed and homeoffice work made it impossible for them to walk, move around outdoors, at sports venues or pools. This clever and easy gadget is fast becoming a focus for the general public, manual and mental workers. In this article, we will introduce what a massage gun is good for and what types MISURA offers.

But the massage gun does not only belong in the hands of athletes, but also to people who are not actively involved in sports. Everyone’s muscles ache sometimes, especially muscle stiffness is a problem for people who do not engage in sports in their free time. Do you also belong to the group of people who often suffer from back pain? Are you also limited by cervical spine or neck pain? Or do you often get up sleepless with a sore neck? Have you said yes to yourself at least twice? Then the massage gun also has a great application for you.

Simply put, the massage gun works like a ball attached to a small jackhammer that massages and relaxes stiff muscles with constant vibrations whose frequency you determine yourself. Each massage gun has a built-in motor, you don’t have to strain your hands and with dozens of pulses per second, you’ll have your entire body actively massaged in minutes.


The MISURA massage gun relieves pain and tension and gets the blood flowing

Even with the problems described above, the massage gun can help and relieve the body of pain. Of course, it must be taken into account that back, cervical spine or neck pain will not be solved by massage alone. It also takes a bit of effort to do something for your health, for example by exercising or other active activities. Massage can prevent and eliminate the problem, but this unaddressed ailment usually comes back. Massage will not solve a back problem without a bit of self-effort. Since a lot of people are under stress, whether conscious or unconscious, they end up not being able to relax and calm their thoughts 100%. Massage guns can release tension in the body, which can also help with falling asleep, which plagues many people. They also promote faster blood flow in the body. Therefore, they are suitable for people who are troubled by slow blood circulation. The latter carries the risk of slowing down the lymphatic system, thus leading to the accumulation of harmful waste substances in the body

How is lactic acid related to physical activity?

Lactic acid is the bogeyman of perhaps every athlete. It is often confused with the word lactate, which is already a product that is created during physical exertion in response to it. Overestimating one’s strength in the gym or taking away the stretching can cause strained muscles and pain in them due to lactate, which usually comes a day or two after physical exertion and can last for several days. We are talking about the so-called muscle fever.

This is due to the fact that a good dose of energy and performance is needed during physical exertion. And glucose is the key energy source here. Lactic acid is produced by the breakdown of glucose in the muscles, which is normal in normal activity. It is formed in small quantities and travels to the liver, where it becomes glucose again. However, if an athlete overdoes training, a higher concentration of lactic acid begins to form in the muscles and does not make it from the muscles to the liver. Therefore, crystals begin to form and lactate is produced, which then triggers pain in the muscles. It also causes cramps in athletes, as well as fatigue. This is due to the fact that during such exertion glucose is burned directly in the muscles.

We can reduce the formation of lactic acid by using nutritional supplements such as creatine or L-carnitine. It can also be prevented, for example, by moderate exercise, but also by massage, which promotes blood circulation and provides sufficient blood supply to the muscles. Thanks to the MISURA massage gun, we can speed up regeneration and prevent muscle pain. The massage gun not only helps to remove lactic acid in the body, but also speeds up regeneration.

Massage gun as the most suitable massage device?

It is the massage gun due to its shape that seems to be the most suitable massage device than comparable aids in the market. The massage gun also offers multiple attachments for massage. It may seem best to choose a massage gun whose package contains multiple attachments. Since each attachment is designed for a different part of the body, it is important to keep in mind that massage is not about quantity but quality. The device must work in such a way as to help the person concerned with their pain. Therefore, it is also necessary to look at how deeply the massage gun can reach into the muscles when choosing one.

MISURA offers three types of quality massage guns – MB1 Pro, MB3 and MB4. The first type includes a pack of six heads that can be used on different parts of the body. For the smaller and more affordable MB3 and MB4 types, four heads are included. It’s simple. Just swap the attachments and you can give a massage to your shins, for example. In terms of loudness, the MISURA pistols emit only 35 decibels, which is very much ahead of other pistols. They are therefore very quiet, so they won’t disturb you while you relax. Moreover, they reach muscle tissues up to 12 mm deep, which massages the body part very well.

Types of massage guns from MISURA and their comparison

MISURA MB4 massage gun

Massage gun MB4

Massage gun MB4

Massage gun MB4, 14.5 x 9 x 4.5 cm, Operating time 3-4 hours, Li-ion battery 2000mAh, Package includes Massage device, 4x massage head, Instructions

  • The MB4 massage gun with pressure pulses has a power of up to 2,800 revolutions per minute
  • 4 massage heads are included
  • The MISURA P21MB4GO Massage Gun applies concentrated pressure pulses deep into muscle tissue. Thanks to its powerful energy source, it can reach muscle groups up to 6 mm below the skin
  • The device works with four-stage frequency conversion and intelligent pressure sensor technology
  • The brushless motor used is designed for maximum noise reduction. The noise level therefore reaches only 35 dB.

MISURA MB1Pro Massage Gun

  • Massage gun for muscle relaxation
  • Its power reaches 3,200 rpm
  • 6 massage headsincluded
  • Made of durable , non-slip plastic
  • Smooth operation is ensured by a rechargeable Li-Ion battery that lasts 8 hours on a single charge
  • The MISURA MB1Pro massage gun applies concentrated pressure pulses deep into muscle tissue. This makes it a great solution for relaxing stiff muscles, warming them up faster and promoting blood circulation
  • Sold in blue, red, black, silver
  • It is lightweight, weighing only 1 kilogram
MB1Pro massage gun

MB1Pro massage gun

Massage gun MB1Pro, 25 x 7.5 x 22 cm, Operating time 8 hours, Battery Li-ion 2500mA, Package includes Massage device, 6x massage head, Power adapter,…

167.0 €

MISURA MB3 massage gun

MB3 massage gun

MB3 massage gun

Massage gun MB3, 14.5 x 9 x 4.5 cm, Operating time 3-4 hours, Li-ion battery 2000mAh, Package includes Massage device, 4x massage head, Instructions, Adapter

  • Massage gun with pressure pulses
  • Its power reaches up to 2,800 revolutions per minute
  • 4 massage headsincluded
  • The device can also be used as a power bank
  • Thebrushless motor ensures quiet operation
  • The MISURA P21MB3BR massage gun applies concentrated pressure pulses deep into the muscle tissue
  • The power of the device reaches up to 2,800 revolutions per minute
  • Thanks to its powerful energy source, it can reach muscle groups up to a depth of 6 mm
  • In addition, the device works with four-stage frequency conversion and intelligent pressure sensor technology.
  • The brushless motor used is designed for maximum noise reduction. The noise level is therefore only 35 dB
  • Meanwhile, the ergonomically shaped handle makes it easy to handle the device

How does the deep tissue massage work?

When conventional massage is no longer enough, deep massage is the way to go. This consists of a more intensive massage that works more deeply with the muscles and soft tissues. The magic of this massage lies primarily in finding the trigger points that cause pain in the muscles. This is usually also accompanied by other pain in different parts of the body. This is called transference pain. The psyche that creates these points is also often referred to as the culprit and trigger. By alternating stronger and weaker pressures on the activation area around the trigger point and massaging the area, the harmful substances are washed away. Through this massage we achieve relief, eliminate pain and contribute to overall body shaping. It will also help with mobility limitations. This is a more complex massage technique, which is demanding for the masseur as well as for the person being massaged.

MISURA MB1 Pro – ideal for deep massage

An alternative for deep massage can also be massage devices that have a sufficiently high performance. The MISURA massage gun, specifically the MB1 Pro type, reaches muscle tissue up to a depth of 12 mm with its concentrated pressure pulses, which promotes improved blood circulation and increased range of motion. Since deep massage can be performed on different parts of the body, the MISURA massage gun is designed to do just that. The massage gun contains six attachments that are designed for different parts of the body. Thanks to the possibility of choosing five speeds, you can choose the intensity you need. So you can indulge in a deep massage of the back, neck, thighs, hips, calves and even arms.

MISURA MB1Pro-massage-legs

Why is muscle massage important?

Muscle massage is a part of life for athletes and people who are not involved in sports. Before any massage it is important to relax and be sufficiently warmed up. During the massage, the muscles are relaxed, the pain is removed, and the blood circulation is also stimulated.

Thanks to regular massage, fatiguing substances, which we consider to be lactic acid, carbon dioxide or creatinine, are then removed. The tendons and muscles are then better blooded and do not develop painful stiffness, which causes pain precisely because of the lack of blood circulation. The muscles are then not as efficient, and massage is the solution that will cope with both flaccid and stiff muscles.

No part of the body should be forgotten and therefore every muscle in the body should be given a massage. The MISURA massage gun contains up to six heads that can be used on a given part of the body. In the package we find a forked, spiral, flat, crescent and air cushion head. All heads are ergonomically shaped for the body part in question.

Why use the massage gun after exercise?

Every exercise requires subsequent recovery. Rest, rest and muscle massage are recommended. The massage stimulates the muscles and releases tension in them. In addition, it allows you to enjoy a pleasant relaxation after a busy day. That is why there are massage devices that help you with regeneration. With the MISURA massager, you will find a spherical head that, when used, reaches muscle groups up to 12 mm deep. This quickly dissolves the lactic acid that is produced by physical exertion and thus relieves tension in the muscles. It is therefore suitable for bulk muscle groups such as thighs, calves, waist, hips and arms.

Autor: Store MISURA



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